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of ever!

Kriptonitaaaa... digo, Música do Mês

Kriptonitaaaa né Didi?! kkkk Pra quem não entendeu... só lamento =D. Nem dá para explicar agora. Tô com preguiça =D. Vim trazer a Música do Mês. Que rufem os tambores TAM-TAM-TAM-TAM. *Pegando envelope com o nome do vencedor* kkkk. A música vencedora é... "I got (got) shivers (shivers) when you touch that way. I'll make you hot, get what you got, I'll make you wanna say JAI HO":

I got (I got) shivers (shivers),
When you touch that way,
I'll make you hot,
Get what you got,
I'll make you wanna say (Jai Ho)

I got (I got) fever (fever),
Running like a fire,
For you I will go all the way,
I wanna take you higher (Jai Ho)

I keep it steady uh-steady,
That's how I do it.
This beat is heavy, so heavy,
You gonna feel it.

You are the reason that I breathe,
You are the reason that I still believe,
You are my destiny,
Jai Oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh!

No there is nothing that can stop us,
Nothing can ever come between us,
So come and dance with me,
Jai Ho! (oohh)

Catch me, catch me, catch me, c'mon, catch me,
I want you now,
I know you can save me, you can save me,
I need you now.

I am yours forever, yes, forever,
I will follow,
Anywhere in anyway,
Never gonna let go.

Escape (escape) away (away),
I'll take you to a place,
This fantasy of you and me,
I'll never lose my chance. (Jai Ho)


I can (I can) feel you (feel you),
Rushing through my veins,
There's an ocean in my heart,
I will never be the same. (Jai Ho)

Just keep it burnin', yeah baby,
Just keep it comin',
You're gonna find out baby,
I'm one in a million.

You are the reason that I breathe,
You are the reason that I still believe,
You are my destiny,
Jai Oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh!

No there is nothing that can stop us,
Nothing can ever come between us,
So come and dance with me,
Jai Ho! (oohh)

Catch me, catch me, catch me, c'mon, catch me,
I want you now,
I know you can save me, you can save me,
I need you now.

I am yours forever, yes, forever,
I will follow,
Anywhere in anyway,
Never gonna let go.

I need you,
Gonna make it,
I'm ready,
So take it!

You are the reason that I breathe,
You are the reason that I still believe,
You are my destiny,
Jai Oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh!

No there is nothing that can stop us,
Nothing can ever come between us,
So come and dance with me,
Jai Ho! (oohh)

Jai Ho!

Baila baila!
baila baila
Jai Ho!
baila baila
jai ho

Letra por Vagalume

"Of Course my Horse", o primeiro blog do Brasil no qual 50% do público sempre pedem canudo, 42% preferem beber na lata mesmo, 7% preferem canudo mas se não derem eles não pedem, 0% sempre pede copo, outros 0% preferem copo mas se não derem eles não pedem e os últimos 0% nunca compram latinha.

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Kriptonitaaaa² hsiaoshaioshioashioahsoia

Foi ótiimo né Guii?

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Anônimo disse...

Kriptonitaaa³ hehehehehehhe

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E eu não roubei.. ou será que roubei? ^^
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