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Música da Semana atrasada

Oi pessoas!! Mais uma semana de férias \o/ Como domingo eu não postei Música da Semana eu vou postar ela hoje =D. A música é "Bottle Pop - Pussycat Dolls". Nunca tinha ouvido antes oO'. Ouvi hoje e achei mais ou menos, então vai pro blog =D. Enjoy:

Boy you know,
I'm kinda tipsy,
I got all the dolls with me
You know how them bottle's get me
We gon' have some fun

Boy you know,
I'm kinda tipsy,
I got all the dolls with me
You know how them bottle's get me
We gon' have some fun

All them other models bottling
Like mamas bottle tasty
If you pop my bottle all the models gonna hate me

When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
(Shake Me)

Every girl dreams of putting herself in pearls
Wanna be the fast driver of a shiny car
But the good girls suddely the bad girls
just because they wanna be a movie star

When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
(Shake Me)
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
(Shake Me)

Every girl feels this world belongs to her
No matter who make her purr she's a super star
Now the worry is us my girl with curves
That'll make you smell the burn when her bottle pops

When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
(Shake Me)
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
(Shake Me)
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
(Shake Me)
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
(Shake Me)

Your turning me on
Your shaking me up
(So don't cha wanna take me)
Just because
I'm the chosen one
(Oh them models gonna hate me)

All them other models bottling
Like mamas bottle tasty
Put my bottle on them models oughta hate me

When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
(Shake Me)
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
When my bottle pop
(Shake Me)

When my bottle pop
(Shake Me)

"Of Course my Horse", um blog profundo... porém vazio. (Esse é o novo slogan do blog =D. Em breve mudaremos (ou melhor, EU mudarei) o layout também)

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